Date(s): Jun 24, 2023 - Jul 1, 2023

Start/End Time: 5:30 pm - 11:00 am

Location: Tony Purler's Home Training Facility, 7710 SE Moore Rd, Holt, MO

Event Description

“Tony provides top notch wrestling instruction. He provides a safe and comfortable environment conducive to learning for the beginner and the advanced wrestler.
We have been attending Tony’s PWA weekly for a number of years and the level of understanding my son has of wrestling could not be achieved without the skill sets he has developed by attending. Tony provides numerous wrestling camps throughout the year and these high level, drill intensive training opportunities expose wrestlers of all ages to high level coaching that they don’t get anywhere else. Tony teaches wrestlers “how” to wrestle a system. This approach is different than many other money grab camps that only show kids a bunch of random moves that they don’t remember two weeks later. By far, attending PWA every week and going to a variety of Purler summer camps has prepared my son for a successful high school wrestling career.  Thank you again Tony Purler.”

Johnie M.

Tony Purler’s Takedown Machine ‘Xtreme Hammer’ Camp

June 24th-July 1st, 2023 (SAT-SAT)

The evolution of wrestling camps is here. Tony Purler is taking his highly successful Takedown Machine Scoring Camp to another level. The Takedown Machine ‘Xtreme Hammer’ Camp is for the advanced, year round wrestler, ages 11-18. The camp will be fast paced, technically intensive, coupled with live wrestling with the most talented wrestlers in the nation.

TDMX is an Exposure Camp

Instead of learning 1-2 core fundamentally sound skills from say an elbow control, we will cover several, and let your son drill, learn, and be exposed to several attacks. From there, it will be up to him if he wants to master all the new skills, or focus on mastering the 2-3 that best suit him and his style. This focus will take place after the 8 day camp ends, but during the camp he will hard drill and learn an ‘insane’ number of attacks! Just what a high level youth-middle school or HS wrestler needs.

What does advanced mean?

I have kids in my rooms that I feel are “hammers”. Yet they haven’t won national meets yet and maybe haven’t reached the state finals yet. But they take their wrestling serious, are very clean in executing all the core leg attacks we all cover on a daily basis in practice. The advanced wrestler can see a new skill and basically go out and do it! Kids that are hammers don’t quit the sport 8 months a year, they stay on the mat 10-12 months a year. But kids that need constant attention from coaches in their typical practices need to attend the Takedown Machine Camp, not this one. Save this camp for the next year. It is up to the parents to choose the correct camp. If you travel extensively, wrestle through the summer and your son is skilled, then the ‘Xtreme Hammer’ Camp is the camp to consider. Those ready for this camp WILL get crazy good in the 8 days.

Why the ‘Xtreme Hammer’ Camp?

If your son is tired of attending camps where the same shots and defenses are covered, and is wanting to be exposed to an insane amount of offensive takedowns, set ups, defenses, etc, then the ‘Xtreme Hammer’ Camp is a camp to consider. Techniques like duck-unders, trips, throws, ankle picks, touch and goes, controlled ties offense/defense, will all be covered. Also, training sessions from elbow control, chest to chest, etc, will be covered. Basically, I will expose the kids to all the offenses and defensive clears and counters they will need from all the core positions they wrestle in, whether it’s outside wrestling, wrists, collars, elbows, under hooks, 2 on 1’s, etc. Plus….clearing and scoring, from your opponents wrist controls, collar ties, elbows, under hooks, 2 on 1’s, etc. I personally took my knowledge base to a very high level during my 21 years of wrestling. I was extremely well rounded and dangerous from every area of the sport. Though I failed in my ultimate goals of winning a world level medal, I feel that having a crazy number of ways to score was beneficial and made the sport fun. SO…if you think your advanced wrestler needs an ARSENAL of weapons, and not just a good single or double, then this camp is for you.

Note: We will go fast paced in the learning and drilling, yet we will constantly go back and touch the new found techniques in the other sessions, but we will go fast. And we will wrestle live 1 hour each day of the 6 hours on the mat. The Takedown Machine Extreme Hammer Camp is truly for the advanced and serious wrestler.

Have an awesome 10 yr old?

Please call if you feel he can keep up with the 11-18 yr olds. All 8-10 year olds would be better off attending the Takedown Machine Camp, NOT this one.

Camp Date:  June 24th – July 1st, 2023 (SAT-SAT)
Cost:  $775 per athlete
Check in: 5:30pm on first day of camp
Check out: 11am on last day of camp

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